#Alcohol Challenge: Scary Moment Lady Suffers Seizure After Consuming Dettol

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Joeboy‘s Alcohol Challenge is clearly getting out of hand and someone should put a end to it before people get seriously hurt.

Joeboy Photos (4 of 4) | Last.fm

In a scary video making the rounds the online, shows the moment one of the participant suffered a seizure after doing the challenge with Dettol. The most shocking part of the video has to be the part where one of her friends cursed Joeboy out for allowing herself to participate in such a challenge.

Recall that the singer tried so hard in warning people to stop consuming and pouring all manner of stuff on themselves.

“So in addition to not pouring stuff on your bodies, PLS STOP INGESTING UNHEALTHY THINGS too. Let’s enjoy the song AND stay alive. Bless 🤍” – Joeboy wrote on Twitter.

This is definitely not the first time such will be happening but, we hope it teaches others a lesson and hopefully becomes the last.

Watch the video below:

