Chinedu Ani Emmanuel, also known as Nedu, is a renowned Nigerian on-air personality who recently caused controversy online with a highly out-of-the-ordinary remark he made regarding Tiwa Savage. Nedu discussed dating and sexual interactions between younger and elder generations during his...
Tiwa Savage, the Afrobeats Superstar, has turned to social media to clear the air about recent rumors surrounding her kidnapping. In the early hours of Friday, there were claims that the singer had escaped a kidnapping plot orchestrated by her domestic...
Fast-rising Nigerian musician Spyro has admitted that ever since he met melodious singer Tiwa Savage, he has grown to like her. On the remix of his hit song “Who’s Your Guy,” which was released last week, the artist included her. Spyro...
Famous producer and musician Young John made waves online after he fired a love shot at Tiwa Savage, a rising star in the music industry. The singer of “Xtra Cool” posted a video to his Instagram story gushing about her and...
Nigerians have expressed concern for singer Omah Lay after seeing his crush, Tiwa Savage, with American actor Jamie Foxx. Omah Lay’s feelings for Tiwa Savage are no longer news. On Valentine’s Day, the rising singer went all out for her. Tiwa...
Tiwa Savage, popular Afrobeats Superstar, has generated several reactions and comments from the public, as she shares an alluring and stunning picture of the flower her colleague in the industry, Omah Lay, sent to her via her Instagram story, generating reactions...
Afro-American badgyal Tiwa Savage, a well-known female singer and performer from Nigeria, posts a new video on social media. Tiwa Savage (born February 5, 1980) is a Nigerian singer-songwriter and performer. She was born in Isale Eko and moved to London...
Darlington Okoye, also known as Speed Darlington or Akpioku, a contentious rapper, has explained why he can’t date Tiwa Savage, a well-known singer. During an IG live session, the indigenous rapper proclaimed his justification, asserting that Tiwa Savage’s breasts had fallen...