BBTitans S1: Blue Aiva Sends Crytic Message To Khosi, After She Annouce Her Coming To Nigeria

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Blue Aiva has consistently disturbed the tranquility. She had been angry with Khosi since she first entered Biggie’s home. These two share a hostile relationship that has Yemi’s masculine heart at its core.

The true conflict was about who would get Yemi outside the house, even if they both got their fair share of him inside. Fans believe Blue Aiva won the struggle because she is now in Nigeria.

The public has not been told how Blue and Yemi responded to BBTitans winner Khosi’s announcement that she was traveling to Nigeria on a previous Friday.

Fans have responded to a post that Blue recently wrote. She has reportedly been restless ever since Khosi announced her arrival. making unnecessary efforts to gain influence.

Blue posted:

“on my way to cause whalar” as a caption on a moving vehicle. Fans believe it is a subtle diss at Khosi and she’s promising that there would be no peace for Khosi once she comes to Nigeria.

Big brother’s girls are always messy, throwing shades and starting drama where there should be none. So it would be no surprise if the fans are actually right and if this terrible message of “whalar” is meant for Khosi.

Bbtitans S1: Blue Aiva Allegedly Threatens Khosi, Sends Terrible Message And Inform Fans