Before And After Of Zubby Michael’s Sitting Room In His Palatial Mansion(Videos)

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Actor Zubby Michael, however, recently took to his social media to share a throwback video of when his palatial mansion was uncompleted and he lived in it like that.

Although there were home accessories in the house and he hosted guests, Zubby did not share photos of the house until it was completed.

According to the film star, the joy is in the process.

In the video showing his mansion in its uncompleted form, Zubby and his celebrity friends were spotted in his sitting room with a round table full of drinks.

Lovely cushion chairs, TV, a standing fan, and other things were spotted but the sitting room lacked beauty.

Watch the video below:

Now that the actor’s beautiful mansion is completed, Zubby wastes no time in showing it off to his almost three million fans and followers on Instagram.

With everything in place, the actor’s sitting room looks stunning. An air conditioner now stands where the fan used to be when it was uncompleted.

Watch a video of the sitting room in its new state:


As big as the actor’s sitting room is, he held a party in it during his Eze Ndi Ala Day that was celebrated last year.

Watch the video below:

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