Sanchoka, also known as Janeikunda Evarist Rimoy, is a Tanzanian figure prominent on social media, recognized as a model, entrepreneur, and influencer. She rose to prominence primarily through her Instagram profile, amassing a substantial following by sharing imagery and videos that...
Reality television personality and medical radiologist, Doyinsola David, who is more commonly recognized as Doyin, has openly discussed her fondness for her fellow housemate, Kidwaya. Doyin revealed this during a conversation with her coworker and close companion, CeeC. Doyin told Ceec...
Angel Smith, a participant in Big Brother Naija Season 8, caused a significant stir on social media in the early hours of today by appearing without underwear on national television. The reality TV personality, known for creating captivating moments on the...
BBNaija All Stars is delivering precisely what it’s expected to offer. It’s bringing back former housemates with diverse viewpoints, generating entertainment both within and outside Biggie’s house. Yesterday, the well-known former BBNaija contestant Tacha, who was famously disqualified from a previous...
A short while ago, Yul Edochie, a well-known Nollywood actor, producer, and director, made a public post with critical undertones, a few days after his father’s interview with media personality Chude. Recall that not long ago, iconic Nollywood actor Pete Edochie...
Kiddwaya from the All Star edition of Big Brother Naija caused a stir within the house with a surprising remark that has led to humorous responses from fans and show viewers. During a discussion with a fellow housemate, Kiddwaya boldly stated...
BBNaija All Stars participants, Frodd and Mercy, have sparked responses due to their affectionate behavior in a recent video. The BBNaija All Stars party took place on Saturday night, featuring all the housemates enjoying their time in Biggie’s house. Frodd, who...
During a conversation between Mercy and Pere, their talk took an unexpectedly intimate turn when Pere playfully tried to tease her. He jokingly mentioned that if he were to engage with her curvaceous figure, she would understand his prowess as a...