Cubana Chiefpriest blesses random lady with N1million on last day of 2021 – Just as He did on the first day of 2021

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Cubana Chiefpriest, a flamboyant businessman, has been praised by social media users for sharing one of his final acts of kindness for the year 2021.

In an Instagram post, the nightlife entrepreneur congratulated a random lady on receiving N1 million.

Cubana explained that he began the year by making an unknown person a millionaire and will finish the year on the same note.

In his words:

“Am so proud of myself I started this year 2021 making someone I don’t know a millionaire & am ending the year too making someone I don’t know a millionaire.

The businessman went on to note that he is ready for all the blessings that will come his way in the New Year.

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