Don’t Make Me Cut My Hair – Burna Boy Replies Those Who Don’t Like His New Look

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Burna Boy, the African Giant, has responded to those who are dissatisfied with his new look after shaving his beard, suggesting that they should not allow him to shave his hair as well.

Burna Boy tweeted a photo of himself without his beard, claiming that he had to chop it off to seem his age because he was looking older than his age due to the beard. However, some of his followers did not like his new look and grumbled a lot about it.

Burna Boy has taken his time to respond to each of them, requesting that they not force him to cut his head hair, despite the fact that he loves them all and listens to what they have to say, but cutting off his beard is none of their concern in the first place.

If you love him for his hair, beard, or something he bought with money, according to Burna Boy, that’s fantastic, but everyone can grow hair and buy stuff, therefore he advises against basing one’s life on conditional love.

Burna Boy then went on to say that you should base your love on family and individuals who have shown no signs of possible treachery, and that his supporters should base their love on skill and God, rather than a conditional love based on what he possesses.

Screenshot below;
