I prefer dating a cheating rich man – Actress, Ruth Eze

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Ruth Eze, a Nollywood actress, has stated that she would prefer to be in a relationship with a wealthy man who is unfaithful to dating a poor man.

In an interview with The Punch, she made this claim and compared it to the way that males are said to enjoy trying new ladies and soups.

She claimed that since even impoverished guys cheated, it would be best for her to remain with a cheating affluent man.

In her words;


I will comfortably go for a rich cheating partner, because the poor one would also cheat on me. The way men like different soups is how they like different women.

The truth is that there is one particular soup a man likes very much. But, that does not mean they won’t test other soups. If one know that, as a woman, one would know peace.

Ruth, who claimed that dating a penniless man was the craziest thing she had ever done for love, yet counseled women not to rely on a man’s income for their well-being.

The screen diva said; “The craziest thing I have done for love was dating a broke guy.

“Women should not depend on men for money. It is good to be independent as a woman. But, it is not a crime to enjoy your man’s money.

The actress also spoke on the improvements she would like to see in the Nigerian movie industry.

Eze said; “I will love to see sci-fi films and computer-generated imagery in Nollywood, to meet up with global trends.