Jim Iyke Debunk Rumors That He Has Become A Muslim (Watch)

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James Ikechukwu Esomugha, also known as Jim Iyke, a Nollywood award-winning actor, has denied allegations that he has converted to Islam that have been circulating on social media.

The actor posted a video on his Instagram page debunking the claims, saying that while he doesn’t always reply to speculation, there are some boundaries that should not be crossed.

He explained that the photo of him dressed as a Muslim that has been spreading on social media is from a religious film he filmed in Ghana.

He said someone must have shared the photo with a blogger, who then uploaded it with the rumor that he’d converted to Islam.

Jim Ikye also stated that he respects everyone’s faith and believes in just one God, but he has no plans to change his beliefs. He stated that such an event would never occur.

Watch the video below:
