Linda Osifo, Reveals She Was Forced To Bleach Her Skin Colour For Movie Roles

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Linda Osifo, who was recently in an Interview with Hip Tv, disclosed that she faced faced discrimination in the movie industry because of her skin tone.  

She also said that at times she don’t get the role because her skin color didn’t fit. Adding that she was influenced to bleach her skin but she didn’t.

According to her, she faced a lot of challenges when the movie script-writers and producers preferred light-skinned actors to dark-skinned.

In her words;


“When it comes to skin color, I have faced discrimination. Do I still face it? I don’t know because I don’t see it. But it was tough because I’ve had many auditions where the description would be a fair in complexion model,”

“Sometimes you don’t get the role because your skin color didn’t fit. However, I believe that has changed. The dark-skinned people are being more appreciated, and the media is laying emphasis on them more.”

“That has given me more confidence. Have I been influenced to bleach? Yes, in the sense of thinking about it. But did I? No. Don’t be desperate. You can’t be desperate in this industry because you’ll make the wrong choices.”

“You will probably fall victim to things because they will see the desperation. Better opportunities will come.”