Moment Spider-Man Meets With Pope Francis At A Weekly Audience In Vatican (Photos)

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On a viral photos seen online it seems the super hero Spider-Man took some time off from fighting crime this week to visit head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis at the Vatican in Rome. 

 Pope Francis meets

Marvel superhero Spider-man on his full costume, his identity was later revealed to be Mattia Villardita. He sat quietly beside a priest and listened to the Pope’s service, Reuters reported.

At the end of the papal audience, Villardita, 27, got the chance to personally meet the Pope. In one of the photos, Pope Francis was pictured greeting Villardita and happily shaking his hand.

 Pope Francis meets
Vatican is a city-state surrounded by Rome, Italy, is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. It’s home to the Pope and a trove of iconic art and architecture. Its Vatican Museums house ancient Roman sculptures such as the famed “Laocoön and His Sons” as well as Renaissance frescoes in the Raphael Rooms and the Sistine Chapel, famous for Michelangelo’s ceiling.

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