My Relationship With Dbanj Is Good: Singer Bankulli Says

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Nigerian singer and songwriter, Bankulli, has opened up in a new interview about the relationship between him and his colleague, Dbanj.

Speaking with Hip TV, the music star revealed that all was now well between both of them.

According to him:

My relationship with DBanj is very good. 


Bankulli went ahead to give an illustration of the mouth and teeth and how they had to co-exist even though friction was bound to happen sometimes. He likened his situation with DBanj to the illustration.

To push home his point about all being well between them, Bankulli added that he and DBanj recently spoke on the phone when he was in Abuja.

In his words:

We spoke some few days ago, I was in Abuja and I gave him a call, he called me back and we spoke.

See the video below:


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