Nigerians Disagree With Wizkid After He Shared How People Can Know A Good Woman

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Singer Wizkid has got some Nigerians talking after he shared a post on his Instagram story.

The father of three recently told his fans and followers how they can tell a good woman apart from a bad one.

According to him, a good woman can be known by how she treats her own child. 


He went on to express deep love for all the better women over the world. 

As expected Wizkid’s post got some comments and not everyone who shared their opinion agreed with him.

Read some comments below:


Most women love their children… good or bad… it is how she treats other people’s children.


You can tell a good woman from the way she treats other people’s children.


No one will ever be cruel to her own child. You should have said other children.



But how about the women who can’t have children? or the ones who chose not to have? How do you tell they’re good women?


You who loves Zion more than all your kids. I don’t need your advice.


This is not entirely true. Some women treat their children like gold and treat other people’s children like rag.


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