“Priorities changed – Why I’m no longer close to Basketmouth like before – Bovi spills [Video]

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Bovi Ugboma, a well-known brand influencer and stand-up comedian, has spoken about his friendship with Basketmouth, his senior coworker.

Bovi revealed in a recent interview with Chude Jideonwo that he has severed his friendship with Basketmouth because he has concluded that it is now time for him to build his brand and focus more of his attention on himself.

He stated that there is a limit to how far some people can push you and that you will eventually have to stand up and take more steps.

Bovi went on to say that he and Basketmouth are still friends.

Bovi compared their current relationship to their previous one, claiming that the former was just a passing phase.

He emphasized that his goals have evolved as his children grew older, and that his top priorities right now are his family and his happiness.

In his words:


“You know but there was this friendship, this symbiotic friendship but he was more visible because he’s a brand, you put Basketmouth’s name on anything and it’s going. So I think, over the years, my mission was to become a brand as well, a big one and there’s a stage where brands grow to and the room becomes too small, you’ll have to basically find your way, that now allows room for more people to come on board.”

“I decided that you know what, it’s time to grow your brand and focus on you now, so I will take responsibility for my own decision. We are human beings, there will always be skirmishes, I mean it’s always part of pop culture. So I just realize that like I said earlier, the biggest service you can do for yourself is to push yourself because if you wait for somebody to say, ‘come let me take you’, you might wait forever. I’m not saying that doesn’t happen but there’s also a limit to how far certain people can take you, You have to get up and move to break new grounds.” “.

“Me and Basketmouth are still cool but I think that energy was a phase, so now we are unto new phases that’s it for me. Priorities change as we grow every day, right now I just want to be happy, I want to do the things that make me happy and I want to make sure that my immediate consistency is happy which is my family, my children so priorities changed”