Sex For Roles: People Can Believe Whatever Thay Want – Zicsaloma

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Following recent allegations that comedian and skit producer Zicsaloma wants sex from male actors before working with them in sketches, the comic has lately declared that the allegations are false.

In a recent interview with Sunday Scoop, Zicsaloma stated that everything is faked on set and that he does not demand sex from male performers. He stated that he does not want to discuss these issues and that he does not blame any blog for publishing such information, but rather the readers who took the time to listen to them and trust them. The skit’s creator also indicated that because the blogger is ‘anonymous,’ he will not pursue legal action against him.

In his words,I don’t want to talk about these things. I don’t blame any blog for writing whatever they want; I blame people who give them audience. People can believe whatever they want to believe”


Zicsaloma also stated that he is willing to cooperate with anyone who can deliver. He claimed he may work with someone with only 20 followers if he liked their acting, despite the fact that he generally works with celebs.

He also added, “The best thing is for you to watch my skits. Anybody that looks like an up-and-coming comedian should be asked what they did for me to feature them.”