“So dem don break Omah Lay heart too”: Singer Ric Hassani ‘Mocks’ Omah Lay Over His Latest Song
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Singer Ric Hassani made fun of Omah Lay as he reacts to his latest song as he imply that some lady has broken his heart and he decided to use it for a song.

The latest song sang by Omah Lay talks about how a lady spent his money and dumped him for another man and Ric Hassani reacting to it made fun of him saying so a lady has broken the heart of Omah Lay too adding that it’s good.
In his words:
So dem don break Omah Lay heart too. Good.
Reacting to the post of Ric Hassani, A tweeter said they should actually be grateful to these girls for breaking their hearts and helping them unlock some deep emotional songs they do sing, heartbreaks have been said to have birthed some of the world’s greatest love songs.
See screenshot below:
