‘S**x Work Should Be Legal’- Model With Tribal Marks, Adetutu Says

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Nigerian model, Adetutu OJ, whose tribal marks make her distinctive has revealed that she’s now an online s**x worker and disclosed how this came to be.

Speaking to LITV hosts, Adetutu further asked prostitution in any form be legalized in Nigeria because that’s the only way people like herself can make a living. Adetutu- who has never been shy of admitting that she’s a whore who sells her n^kaed photos and videos online for money revealed how she got into it in the first place.

She said back then, she was struggling and when men wanted to help her out, they demanded s**x. She explained that most of them tell her they will only help her if she’ll have s**x with them.

As a result, she began suggesting to them that rather than hook up with them physically, she is open to online s**x. She said most were willing to go with online s**x and pay for her service, so she took that on as a side hustle.

She further said she still does her bead making and modelling. She added that s**x work should be legalized. Adetutu said: “I don’t see anything wrong in it. I’m just trying to survive. I’m not hurting anybody. I’m helping some men out with their s**xual… So, I see no harm in it. sS**x work should be legal.”

Watch the full video as posted by Linda Ikeji;


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