Following the physical assault on the reality show, BBNaija reunion, Lucy Edet emphasizes her impatience when faced with disrespect. It would be recalled that on an episode of BBNaija Lockdown reunion show, Lucy went physical with Kaisha by landing her a slap...
Big Brother Naija reunion housemates Kaisha And Lucy has gone physical after having a misunderstanding. The wrestling match started after Kaisha revealed how Ka3na allegedly disrespected her mother while they partied. Kaisha stated that her mum liked Ka3na and wanted a...
Umaru Aisha, better known as Kaisha Ex-BBNaija has appealed to fans of going back to her life before fame. Kaisha disclosed this on her Twitter page on Tuesday, March 17th, 2021. Umaru Aisha was a businesswoman and had her own skincare...
The popular reality star, Erica Nlewedim has voiced out following an alleged kissing session of her love interest, Kiddwaya with fellow ex-housemate Kaisha. In a video that made rounds on social media, Kiddwaya and Kaisha were spotted in a brows-raising position pouring drinks in...
Lucy has taken to social media to slam her former Big Brother Naija reality show housemate Kaisha Umaru for disrespecting the police officer who allegedly harassed them two nights ago. Recall the former housemate of the Big Brother Naija reality show...
BBNaija Star, Kaisha Umaru, has been spotted with Tochi in a viral video as they prepare for Tochi‘s homecoming. She has honored the invitation of Tochi to be available at his homecoming. In the video sighted, she was seen in a...