Reality star, Lucy Edet accepts her mistakes and apologize publicly to Ka3na following their brawl on the BBNaija reunion show. It would be recalled that during an episode of the reunion show, the two spoke on their difference and what brought...
On Thursday night during the BBNaija lockdown reunion show Ka3na became emotional while trying to explain the reason for her failed friendship with Lucy. Ka3na revealed in her statement that Lucy did not like the idea of them having photo shoots...
Following the physical assault on the reality show, BBNaija reunion, Lucy Edet emphasizes her impatience when faced with disrespect. It would be recalled that on an episode of BBNaija Lockdown reunion show, Lucy went physical with Kaisha by landing her a slap...
Big Brother Naija reunion housemates Kaisha And Lucy has gone physical after having a misunderstanding. The wrestling match started after Kaisha revealed how Ka3na allegedly disrespected her mother while they partied. Kaisha stated that her mum liked Ka3na and wanted a...
Former BBNaija housemate, Ka3na, has revealed why she unfollowed and ended her friendship with her best friend, Lucy on Instagram. According to her, she stopped being friends with Lucy due to the lack of loyalty in their relationship. She made this...
Good relationship can be achieved between two people who are ready to accept each other’s imperfection, because no one is perfect . The season five reality show of Big Brother Naija gave Katrina and others the privilege to meet new people....
Lucy has taken to social media to slam her former Big Brother Naija reality show housemate Kaisha Umaru for disrespecting the police officer who allegedly harassed them two nights ago. Recall the former housemate of the Big Brother Naija reality show...