“U get the right to press am well, G-Wagon cost oo” – Fans react as Singer Davido caresses Chioma’s boobs in new video

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David Adeleke, also known as Davido, and his stunning future bride, Chioma, have been seen having a small romantic moment inside a car.

The 30BG Boss and Chioma were seen donning gorgeous owambe attire in a recent video that was posted online. After kissing her, the singer was spotted blatantly fondling her breasts.

Remember that the musician has previously been seen in public touching Chioma’s genitalia, indicating that this is a common habit for the couple.

Before their divorce in 2021, the musician was seen clutching his Babymama’s tits twice in public and claiming them as his in a picture and video of them that went viral in 2019.

Following their recent reunion, the celebrity couple’s constant displays of devotion have kept everyone talking.

Watch the video below:
