“Why should anyone think of having more than two kids in this 21st century?”: Actor Sam Nnabuike

According to the actor, most developed countries are advising their citizens not to have more than one kids then why would anyone thinks of having more than two kids in this 21st country.
Sam Nnabuike took to the instastories to reveal that he doesn’t know why someone who is not financially, morally, and Physically there for his or her children will go ahead and born five (5) children.
In his word;
What exactly is behind the ideology of Africans having so many children that they in most cases, can’t morally, financially, and physically be there for?
Why should anyone be thinking of having more than 2 kids in this 21st century?
Developed countries are advising their citizens not to have more than 1 but Someone who lives in a third-world country with no hope of his next meal has 5 children and is still knacking his wife left, right and centre and when you try to advise them they say it’s God who caters and care for children.
Some would say what if the couple is looking for a male child? and I ask, what exactly is wrong with having only female children.
