“Why would a woman divorce her husband for cheating and start dating married men” – Actor Seun Jimoh Quizzes

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Seun Sean Jimoh, an actor, expressed his concern about the recent trend of women divorcing their husbands.

The actor posted a question on his Instagram page to former married women who have chosen to pursue other people’s husbands after their relationship goes sour.

He asserts that the majority of married women start dating other married men after getting a divorce because they discovered their husbands’ infidelity.

He admitted that after seeing this so many times, it had started to puzzle him.

The actor wrote:

“I really don’t understand why a woman will leave her husband for cheating and start dating a married ma when she becomes single

I have seen this happen on a few occasions and it just leaves me baffled…. Somebody make it make sense,”.

See the post here:
