AJALA THE TRAVELLER: The Man Who Toured The World With His Scooter Biography, Age ,Net Worth, Wiki, Real Name, Children, Instagram, Parents, partner

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Explore the fascinating life of Moshood Adisa Olabisi Ajala, a man who transformed from an ordinary child in a polygamous family to a global sensation known as “Ajala the Traveler.” Discover his adventurous spirit, educational pursuits, and the unexpected turns that led him to tour the United States on a bicycle and 87 countries on a Vespa.


Ajala the Traveler Early Life and Education:

Born in Ghana into a large Nigerian polygamous family, Ajala was one of twenty-five children. After the family moved to Nigeria, he attended Baptist Academy in Lagos and Ibadan Boys’ High School. His journey took a pivotal turn at 18 when he traveled to the United States to study pre-med at the University of Chicago.

Ajala the Traveler Rise to Fame:

In 1952, Ajala gained international attention by embarking on a 2,280-mile bicycle tour across the United States. Clad in traditional Nigerian attire, he aimed to dispel stereotypes and educate Americans about the development of Nigeria and Africa. This tour paved the way for film opportunities, and Ajala secured roles in major productions, including “White Witch Doctor.”

Global Adventures:

Ajala’s wanderlust extended beyond the United States, as he traveled to 87 countries on his iconic Vespa scooter over six years. His fearless exploration and determination made him a symbol of courage and success, earning admiration from people of all ages.

Controversies and Challenges:

Ajala’s life was not without its share of controversies. He faced a paternity suit in 1953, a legal battle, and even arrest on charges of fraud and grand theft in Beverly Hills, California. Despite the challenges, Ajala’s spirit remained unbroken.

Ajala the Traveler Rise and Fall of Celebrity Status:

As his fame grew, so did Ajala’s personal life. His multiple marriages, legal issues, and deportation from the United States marked a downturn in his once glittering celebrity status. Nevertheless, he continued to capture the public’s imagination.

Ajala the Traveler Return to Nigeria:

In 1954, Ajala returned to Nigeria with his wife Hermine Aileen, later divorcing in 1955. He continued to marry, including a union with 19-year-old London radio-TV actress Joan Simmons. Eventually, he retired to Nigeria, where he lived with some of his children.

The Decline:

Ajala’s final years were marked by a decline in fortune. From a world-renowned traveler, he became a man struggling to make ends meet in Lagos. Limited financial resources and health issues left him with few options for medical care.

Ajala the Traveler Legacy:

On February 2, 1999, Ajala the Traveler passed away at General Hospital, Ikeja, due to paralysis from a stroke. Despite his later struggles, Ajala’s name remains etched in the history of Nigeria and the world.


Moshood Adisa Olabisi Ajala’s life was a captivating journey filled with highs and lows. From a global traveler to facing challenges and a humble end, his story reflects the complexity of a man who left an indelible mark on the world. While Ajala may have faded from the spotlight, his legacy endures as a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for adventure and resilience.


  1. Who was Ajala the Traveler? Ajala the Traveler, Moshood Adisa Olabisi Ajala, was a Nigerian adventurer who gained fame for touring the United States on a bicycle and 87 countries on a Vespa.
  2. What was Ajala’s initial career goal? Initially, Ajala aspired to become a medical doctor and return to Nigeria to challenge the practice of voodoo and superstitions.
  3. What controversies did Ajala face? Ajala faced legal challenges, including a paternity suit, arrest on fraud charges, and deportation from the United States. Despite these controversies, his spirit remained resilient.
  4. How did Ajala pass away? Ajala died on February 2, 1999, at General Hospital, Ikeja, due to paralysis from a stroke.
  5. What is Ajala’s legacy? Ajala’s legacy lies in his adventurous spirit and the mark he left on the world as a symbol of courage and determination, despite facing challenges in his later years.