“How did she get up there?” Little girl cries out after getting stuck at the top of a fridge in attempt to steal snacks

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Social media has gone crazy over a video of a cute little girl climbing up a fridge to steal snacks.

The clever youngster scaled the high fridge door at home to steal the carefully stored snacks.

She unfortunately became stuck on the door and was discovered by a parent, who caught her and recorded her in action. But after a brief period of crying and clinging to the door, she managed to leap down from the refrigerator.

“My baby fever just went down. These kids keep doing the most. just wondering how she got up there.”

Aliciacji reacted: “She can’t come down? How did she get up pls. I’m in tears.” richteensblog reacted: “She needed a good plan.”

Cutesythecutie stated: “How did she get there in the first place? I believe someone carried her just for the video.”

Ig_odun remarked: “Ninja mode.”

Watch the video here:
