I miss Tonto Dikeh – Crossdresser, Bobrisky regrets falling out

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Idris Olanrewaju Okuneye, also known as Bobrisky, a Nigerian crossdresser, has admitted that his ex-bestie, Tonto Dikeh.

This comes two years after they split up and their friendship was shattered owing to a series of alleged wrongdoings on both of their parts.

He claimed he misses Tonto Dikeh a lot because the actress was like a big sister and mentor to him.

Bobrisky revealed this on a recent episode of Toke Moments, saying that the movie actor was the only person who supported him while he was a budding crossdresser.

He began missing her barely two months after they split up, he claims. Tonto Dikeh, he observed, does not judge and is unconcerned with what others say.

He claimed that they had been friends for five years, but because they are both hot-tempered and impatient, there was no willingness to resolve their differences, and the friendship ended.

Bob, on the other hand, claimed that the relationship lasted so long because he decided to practice patience until he couldn’t anymore.

Watch him speak below:
