Mary Njoku Educate Ladies On How To Identify A Fake Cosmetic Surgeon

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Actress Mary Njoku has trained women in Nigeria on how to recognize bogus surgeons by asking them simple questions when they come across one.

Mary Njoku, who appears to doubt that all of Nigeria’s cosmetic surgeons are genuinely qualified to practice, questioned why they would leave abroad to practice in Nigeria, where the dollar-to-Naira exchange rate is killing them, when they can make more money outside than in Nigeria.

She went on to say that they come home to practice because they are wanted abroad and Nigeria is their safe haven, but that stupid Nigerians empower them by patronizing them only because of their accent.

Mary Njoku then went on to say that Nigeria is a safe haven for awful IJGB cos-surgeons, and that all they need is a modest accent to get started, and then they blame their victims when people die as a result of their negligence.

There are a few health workers that actually returned to rescue lives, but the most are dubious, which is why Mary Njoku is questioning why they returned to Nigeria when they can make more money elsewhere.

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