Moses Wetangula Biography, Age ,Net Worth, Wiki, Real Name, Children, Instagram, Parents, partner

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Moses Wetangula, born on September 13, 1956, has left an indelible mark on Kenya’s political landscape. From his early years in education to his notable career as a lawyer and subsequent foray into politics, Wetangula’s journey has been one of resilience and determination. In this blog post, we’ll delve into his life, career, controversies, and notable achievements.

Moses Wetangula’s Early Life and Education:

Wetangula’s academic journey began at Nalondo Primary School, followed by stints at three different secondary schools – Busakala, Teremi, and Friends School Kamusinga. His pursuit of higher education led him to the University of Nairobi, where he earned a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree, laying the foundation for his future endeavors.

Moses Wetangula’s Political Career:

Before venturing into politics, Moses Wetangula practiced law and served as a magistrate. His political journey commenced with his nomination as a Kanu MP after the 1992 general election, marking the beginning of a series of impactful roles in public service.

Wetangula’s dedication to community development is evident in his efforts to mobilize women and youth for income-generating projects. His diverse roles, including serving as Chairman of the Electricity Regulatory Board, showcased his commitment to public service.

Ministerial Appointments:

In 2002, Wetangula was elected to the National Assembly, and in 2008, he was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs by President Mwai Kibaki. His tenure saw challenges, notably during the aftermath of the 2008 presidential election. Wetangula stood firm in asserting Kenya’s sovereignty amid international scrutiny.

Tokyo Embassy Scandal:

The Tokyo embassy scandal in 2010 temporarily interrupted Wetangula’s ministerial duties. Allegations surrounding the acquisition of embassy property led to his resignation, but he was reinstated in 2011 after the issue was resolved.

Senate Stint and Challenges:

Elected as the Senator for Bungama County in 2013, Wetangula later became the Senate Minority Leader. However, his position was challenged, leading to a nullification by the Bungoma high court. Despite setbacks, Wetangula successfully reclaimed his senatorial seat in a subsequent election.

Speaker of the National Assembly:

In the 2022 general election, Wetangula was re-elected as the Bungoma senator but opted to resign to vie for the position of Speaker of the National Assembly. His victory in this role, securing 215 votes against his opponent Kenneth Marende, marked a significant milestone in his political career.

Moses Wetangula’s Personal Life and Family:

Born into a family deeply rooted in education and politics, Wetangula’s father, Mr. Mzee Dominic Wetangula, is a retired teacher. His family members, including his younger brother Timothy Wanyonyi Wetangula, also contribute to Kenya’s political landscape.


Q1: What led to Moses Wetangula’s resignation from the Bungoma Senate seat in 2022? A1: Wetangula resigned to contest for the position of Speaker of the National Assembly.

Q2: How many wives and children does Moses Wetangula have? A2: Moses Wetangula has multiple wives and children, with his first wife named Phyllis Wetangula.


Moses Wetangula’s journey from a legal practitioner to a prominent political figure is marked by both challenges and triumphs. His resilience and commitment to public service continue to shape Kenya’s political landscape. As the 13th Speaker of the National Assembly, Wetangula’s leadership promises to contribute to the nation’s growth and development.