Pride Evy Biography, Age ,Net Worth, Wiki, Real Name, Children, Instagram, Parents, partner

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In the world of twerking and dance sensations, one name that has rapidly emerged as a force to be reckoned with is Lima Sadiyah, better known as Pride Evy. Born on February 14, 1999, this 21-year-old Abuja native has taken the dance scene by storm, making waves on social media platforms, particularly Instagram. Despite limited information about her early life and education, Pride Evy has become a prominent figure, transforming twerking into a recognized art form.

Paving the Way in Dance:

Before 2019, the twerking scene was dominated by anonymous figures in music videos. Pride Evy, however, brought a touch of professionalism to this dance style, elevating it to an art form deserving of accolades. Her breakthrough moment came with a viral video of her dancing to Joeboy’s “Nobody,” a performance that showcased her incredible moves and instantly captivated audiences. Beyond the allure of her waist beads, Pride Evy’s talent and charisma set her apart.

Pride Evy  Social Media Triumph:

Pride Evy’s Instagram journey is nothing short of extraordinary. With the handle @pride_evy, her account witnessed a meteoric rise from less than 40k followers in April to over 200k in a short span. Her captivating dance videos, starting from November 2018, when she grooved to Teni’s “Case,” have garnered massive viewership. The exponential growth in her followers indicates a promising future, with the likelihood of her featuring in music videos becoming increasingly imminent.

Pride Evy  Net Worth and Collaborations:

While specific details about her net worth remain undisclosed, Pride Evy has entered into a promotional partnership with a Lagos-based brand named Safe Weight Loss. Regularly featuring and endorsing the brand on her Instagram page, Pride Evy has successfully ventured into brand collaborations, adding another layer to her growing influence in the digital space.


  1. What is Pride Evy’s real name and age?
    • Pride Evy’s real name is Lima Sadiyah, and she was born on February 14, 1999, making her 21 years old.
  2. Is Pride Evy from Abuja and possibly of Hausa descent?
    • Given her name, there is a good chance Pride Evy is an Abuja native, and her name suggests she could be of Hausa descent.
  3. How did Pride Evy gain popularity?
    • Pride Evy gained widespread recognition through a viral video of her dancing to Joeboy’s “Nobody,” showcasing her exceptional twerking skills.
  4. What is her Instagram handle, and how rapidly has her following grown?
    • Pride Evy’s Instagram handle is @pride_evy. Her following surged from less than 40k to over 200k in a matter of months, signifying her rapid rise to fame.
  5. Does Pride Evy have any brand collaborations?
    • Yes, Pride Evy has a promotional deal with a Lagos-based brand called Safe Weight Loss, which she promotes on her Instagram page.


As Pride Evy continues to captivate audiences with her mesmerizing dance moves, her journey from a relatively unknown dancer to a social media sensation serves as an inspiration. With a promising future in the world of music videos and brand collaborations, Pride Evy is undoubtedly a rising star to keep an eye on in the dynamic landscape of digital entertainment.