Tonto Dike Is Ungrateful, That Is Why No Man Want To Stay With Her – Bobrisky Tells Her Story

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Idris Okuneye, also known as Bobrisky, a Nigerian crossdresser, has revealed his conversation with Tonto Dikeh.

Former best buds have been feuding on social media and pulling themselves down.

In a recent Instagram post, Bobrisky stated that Tonto Dikeh was ungrateful after everything he had done for her.

He claimed she was detained in Dubai for possessing w33d and that he had to risk a large sum of money just to be by her side and assist her through the process.

He also said that no man would stay with Tonto Dikeh due to her purported bitterness.

He then shared a snapshot from their earlier conversation, in which Tonto referred to him as her “paradise on Earth.”

See screenshots below:


To prove his story, Bob went ahead to share a screenshot of their chat, where Tonto Dike was thanking him for being a good friend to her.

See the screenshot below: